Introductory Rite
The Eucharist consists of the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist plus introductory and Concluding Rites
During the Introductory Rites acts of prayer and penitence prepare us to meet Christ as He comes in Word and Sacrament. We gather as a worshiping community to celebrate our unity with and in Him.
Liturgy of the Eucharist
We enter now into the Eucharristic sacafice itself, the Supper of the Lord. We are God's new people, the redeemed brothers and sisters of Christ, gathered around His table.
Preparation of the Gifts
We bring foward our gifts of bread and wine as well as our monetary offerings for the upkeep of the church building and the clergy, and the relief of the poor. These are but a symbol of our inner readiness to give God all of ourselves with our our hopes and disappointments, our work and leisure, and our whole everyday lives.
Eucharistic Prayer
The Eucharistic service of praise and thanksgiving is the center of celebration. We join Christ in His sacrifice celebrating His memorial and acknowledging the wonderful works of God in our lives.
At the consecration of the bread and wine. Chrst's words spoken though the priest accomplish what they signify; His Eucharistic Body and Blood, His Real Presence with all the riches of the Kingdom.
The people now praise Christ in the Memorial Acclamation. We celebrate the fact that Christ has redeemed us, is with us now to apply that Redemption to each of us, and will return in glory to
perfect that Redemption for all.
Communion Rite
The Communion Rite is the conclusion of the Mass. It is the part when God gives a gift to us after we have presented our gift to Him : Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Savior of the world. We receice the Body and Blood. Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, the Bread of life, that gives access to eternity.
Concluding Rite
We have heard God's Word and responded to it. We have received Christ's body and Blood and achieved greater union with Him and others. Now we leave to praise and bless the Lord in our daily lives.
Prayer Before Mass
Eternal Father, I offer you the sacrifice wherein Your dear Son Jesus offered Himself upon the Cross, and whch He now renews upon this alter, to adore You and to render to You that honor which is Your due, acknowledging our supreme dependence on You. You are our first beginning and our last end.
I offer it to give You thanks for the many benefits I haved received, to appease Your justice prevoked by so many of people, and to offer You worthy satisfaction for them, and finally to implore Your grace and mercy for myself , for all those who are in trouble anddistress, for all poor sinners, for the whole world and for the souls in purgatory
Prayer After Mass
O God, Your mercies are without number and Your goodness is an infinite treasure. I render thanks to You most gracious Majesty for the gifts. You have bestowed upon us.
At the same time, I also implore Your mercy, that as You grant the prayers of those that ask You. You will forsake them, but will prepare them for the future reward. Through Christ our Lord, Amen.