Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Mass------------------Our Greatest Prayer

Essence of the Mass

Thus the Mass is:

(1) The true sacrifice of the New Covenant, in which a holy and living Victim is offere, Jesus Christ, and we in union with Him, as a gift of love and obedience to the Father;

(2) A sacred meal and spiritual banquet of the children of God;

(3) A Paschal meal, which evokes the passage (passover) of Jesus from this world to the Father; it renders Him present and makes Him live again in souls, and anticipates our passage to the Kingdom of God;

(4) A communitarian meal, that is, a gathering together of the Head and His members, of Jesus and His Church, His Mystical Body, in order to carry out a perfect Divine worshop.

Thus, the Mass is the greatest prayer we have. Through it we give thanks and praise to the Father for the wonderful future He has given us in His Son. We also ask forgiveness for our sins and geg the Father's blessing upon us and all human beings.

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